SLSC Instructor Newsletter 2023

Volume 2 The newsletter is BACK after an amazing first week of club!!! Although it was not the windiest week Sturgeon Lake has ever seen, it might have been the hottest! We embraced the heat with lots of swimming, cold treats, and more swimming of course. Hopefully we will see a bit more wind as … Read more

Instructor Newsletter – 2023

Volume 1 Hello all, and welcome back to your weekly dose of SLSC updates! We are so very excited to welcome back both old and new instructors to create our Summer 2023 Dream Team! Ruby Farr will be overseeing operations as Head Instructor, as well as the CanSail ⅚ coach. Jake Rix and myself (Sinclair … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 8

Wow!!!! What a summer it has been. So much learning & excitement has taken place this summer, and we can’t believe it’s actually almost over. We want to thank all the parents and sailors for making this summer a true redemption from COVID summers that have passed. Thank you for your continuing support, and we … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 7

Week 7 It’s hard to believe it’s already the last session of the summer 🙁 It has been an amazing summer so far and we’re so looking forward to what is arguably the best session of the summer! So many fun days to look forward to in the next 2 weeks and the instructor team … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 6

Week 6 It’s hard to believe that we’re already this far into our summer at the sailing club. I guess they were right when they said: time flies when you’re having fun!! And we have definitely been having so. much. fun! Our sailors have persevered all summer, and are working hard in the home stretch … Read more


WEEK 5 Ruby and I have some enormous shoes to fill following the departure of Charlie and his incredible newsletters (we miss you Charlie!!). The summer is absolutely flying by, and it’s hard to believe we’re already more than halfway through the summer! Our sailors have shown so much enthusiasm and progress already, and we … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 4

WEEK 4 Despite no longer being an instructor, Matthew managed to squeeze one more newsletter out of me (gotta do what the #BossMan says) before I pass the torch to Sinclair and Ruby.  These past three weeks have flown by, and with the month of July already coming to a close, sailors are checking off … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 3

My apologies for the delay in posting the newsletter this week. It was a busy weekend…  WEEK 3 It’s hard to believe that we are already ¼th  of the way through sailing club… But we raise our glasses to our session one-ers and welcome both familiar and new session two-ers for two more weeks of … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 2

WEEK 2  I hope everyone had a wonderful first week of club! We now look to week 2 as an opportunity to build on our passion, drive, and love for all things sailing and SLSC.  INSTRUCTOR DINNERS  Do you have an excess of food in your fridges/pantries? Don’t you really want to make sure that … Read more

SLSC 2022: Chapter 1

WEEK 1 The countdown is over! The glory days of summer, a.k.a. Sailing Club, have officially begun. We, the instructors, have unpacked boats and covered ourselves from head to toe in sunscreen and mosquito repellent in preparation. We can’t wait to be teaching again. We plan to start the week with some “cobweb sailing” to … Read more

SLSC 2019: Chapter 8

Tuesday Night Movie This Tuesday is our final movie night. Come out to the club for 6pm for an hour and 45 minutes ish and enjoy some juice and popcorn for $1 and bring some extra cash to buy candy. If you’re over the age of 13 (or turning 13 by December 31st) there will … Read more