
Laser/Radial Registration

Club 420 and RS Feva Registration

Coach/Chaperon/Spectator Registration


Waiver of Liability: By participation in this regatta, I understand that I voluntarily assume and am knowledgeable of the risks of sailing and I assume sole responsibility for myself, my crew, and my boat. In consideration of acceptance of this entry or my being permitted to take part in this event, I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the International Laser Class Association, the Sturgeon Lake Sailing Club, their organizers and their respective agents, officials, servants and representatives from and against all claims, actions, cost, expense and demands in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to my personal property, howsoever caused, arising out of my taking part in this event notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed by the negligence of the bodies, or any of them, or other agents, officials, servants, or representatives. I further understand and agree that this release is binding upon myself, my heirs, executors and assigns. By submitting this form I indicate that I have read and agree to abide by the Standards of Behaviour.